Hugh Hornby
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley
Место издания: Shenzhen
Тип переплёта: твёрдый
Год издания: 2000
Формат: Энциклопедический
Состояние: Очень хорошее. Вес книги: 550 г.
Количество страниц: 64 с.
На остатке: 1
130 р.
Discover the inside story of soccer - from the origins of the game to the latest World Cup finals. Here is an original and stunning new guide to the international sport of soccer. Full-color photographs of players in action, soccer uniforms, equipment and memorabilia present a unique picture of the game and the people who play it. See Zinedine Zidane lift the 1998 World Cup, how a soccer field is made, legendary players in action, and the offside trap being sprung. Learn how to take a penalty kick, which is the largest soccer stadium in the world, where Ronaldo, the great Brazilian star, learned to dribble a ball, and how the World Cup trophy was stolen. Discover who scored the first World Cup hat trick, when a ball is in or out of play, when a throw-in is illegal, what a sweeper does, how soccer players stay in shape, and much, much more.
(182 продаж с 2021 г.)
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Хранение неоплаченных заказов:
- 7 (дней)
Discover the inside story of soccer - from the origins of the game to the latest World Cup finals. Here is an original and stunning new guide to the international sport of soccer. Full-color photographs of players in action, soccer uniforms, equipment and memorabilia present a unique picture of the game and the people who play it. See Zinedine Zidane lift the 1998 World Cup, how a soccer field is made, legendary players in action, and the offside trap being sprung. Learn how to take a penalty kick, which is the largest soccer stadium in the world, where Ronaldo, the great Brazilian star, learned to dribble a ball, and how the World Cup trophy was stolen. Discover who scored the first World Cup hat trick, when a ball is in or out of play, when a throw-in is illegal, what a sweeper does, how soccer players stay in shape, and much, much more.
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