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Goodnight June

160 р.

Товар в корзине

Автор: Sarah Jio (1)

Издательство: A Plume Book

Место издания: New York

Тип переплёта: мягкий (обложка)

Год издания: 2014

Формат: Обычный

Состояние: Очень хорошее / Отличное: пометки карандашом (перевод слов). Вес книги: 240 г.

Количество страниц: 286 с., +доп.стр.

На остатке: 1

160 р.

Товар в корзине


Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (Goodnight Songs) is an adored childhood classic, but its real origins are lost to history. In Goodnight June, Sarah Jio offers a suspenseful and heartfelt take on how the “great green room” might have come to be. June Andersen is professionally successful, but her personal life is marred by unhappiness. Unexpectedly, she is called to settle her great-aunt Rubys estate and determine the fate of Bluebird Books, the children’s bookstore Ruby founded in the 1940s. Amidst the store’s papers, June stumbles upon letters between her great-aunt and the late Margaret Wise Brown—and steps into the pages of American literature.

Оплата: Только предоплата

Способы оплаты:

  • PayPal;
  • WebMoney;
  • Оплата на карту СБЕРБАНКА;
  • Перевод на банковскую карту;
  • ЮMoney, WebMoney, QIWI;

Доставка: Только по России

Способы доставки:

  • почта России;

Стоимость доставки:

  • По тарифам Почты России + упаковка

Отправка заказов:

  • каждую неделю – среду.

Почтовый идентификатор:

  • высылается всегда

Дополнительные сканы и фото:

  • Не высылаются

Торг по цене:

  • не возможен

Хранение неоплаченных заказов:

  • 7 (дней)


Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (Goodnight Songs) is an adored childhood classic, but its real origins are lost to history. In Goodnight June, Sarah Jio offers a suspenseful and heartfelt take on how the “great green room” might have come to be. June Andersen is professionally successful, but her personal life is marred by unhappiness. Unexpectedly, she is called to settle her great-aunt Rubys estate and determine the fate of Bluebird Books, the children’s bookstore Ruby founded in the 1940s. Amidst the store’s papers, June stumbles upon letters between her great-aunt and the late Margaret Wise Brown—and steps into the pages of American literature.

Товаров в продаже: 138 437

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