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Rat Race

На английском языке.

650 р.

Товар в корзине

Автор: Dick Francis (4)

Издательство: Pan Books.

Место издания: London

Тип переплёта: Мягкий

Год издания: 1972

Формат: Немного уменьшенный

Состояние: Очень хорошее. см. фото

Количество страниц:

На остатке: 1

650 р.

Товар в корзине


Matt Shore is a pilot down on his luck. Once he'd flown big jets and dropped supplies in war zones. Now he's ferrying high-class passengers between English race courses. But when one eventful trip ends with his plane exploding in a ball of fire, Matt knows he's not that unlucky. When the police confirm it was a bomb, Matt realises he has a problem. One of his passengers must have been the target - the question is who? Matt to find out fast - because he's scheduled to ferry the same people over the coming weeks. Can Matt stay alive long enough to stop the bomber?(полка 225F)

Оплата: Только предоплата

Способы оплаты:

  • Наличными из рук в руки;
  • Оплата на карту СБЕРБАНКА;

Доставка: По согласованию

Способы доставки:

  • почта России;
  • на станции метро;
  • транспортная компания: СДЭК;

Стоимость доставки:

  • По согласованию

Отправка заказов:

  • Отправка в течении 2 дней

Почтовый идентификатор:

  • высылается всегда

Дополнительные сканы и фото:

  • Высылаются для любых книг
  • До заказа

Торг по цене:

  • возможен

Хранение неоплаченных заказов:

  • 3 (дней)


Matt Shore is a pilot down on his luck. Once he'd flown big jets and dropped supplies in war zones. Now he's ferrying high-class passengers between English race courses. But when one eventful trip ends with his plane exploding in a ball of fire, Matt knows he's not that unlucky. When the police confirm it was a bomb, Matt realises he has a problem. One of his passengers must have been the target - the question is who? Matt to find out fast - because he's scheduled to ferry the same people over the coming weeks. Can Matt stay alive long enough to stop the bomber?(полка 225F)

Товаров в продаже: 108 828

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