Meditation and Its Practice
Swami Rama
Издательство: Himalayan Institute
Место издания: Allahabad
Тип переплёта: мягкий (обложка)
Год издания: 2017
Формат: Обычный
Состояние: Отличное. Вес книги: 190 г.
Количество страниц: 110 с.
На остатке: 1
240 р.
In this practical guide to inner life, Swami Rama-one of the most advanced yoga masters to visit the West-teaches us how to slip beyond the mental turbulence of our ordinary thought processes into an infinite reservoir of consciousness from which we can draw guidance, creative power, joy, and tranquility. The techniques presented here have been used by the sages of India from time immemorial to live in harmony with the world around them, to find strength to face lifes difficulties, and to know themselves.
(182 продаж с 2021 г.)
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In this practical guide to inner life, Swami Rama-one of the most advanced yoga masters to visit the West-teaches us how to slip beyond the mental turbulence of our ordinary thought processes into an infinite reservoir of consciousness from which we can draw guidance, creative power, joy, and tranquility. The techniques presented here have been used by the sages of India from time immemorial to live in harmony with the world around them, to find strength to face lifes difficulties, and to know themselves.
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