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Книги автора: Bell James B. Doctor  (1)

The homoepathic therapeutics of diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and all Other Loose Evacuations of the Bowels

Гомеопатические средства для лечения диареи, дизентерии, холеры, смертельной холеры, детской холеры и всех других нарушений опорожнения кишечника

3 870 р.

Минимальный заказ у этого продавца – 1 р.

Товар в корзине

Автор: Bell James B. Doctor (1)

Издательство: Hahnemann Publishing House

Место издания: Philadelphia

Тип переплёта: .Цельноледериновый с золотым тиснением

Год издания: 1888

Формат: Увеличенный

Состояние: Очень хорошее

Количество страниц: 192

На остатке: 1

3 870 р.

Минимальный заказ у этого продавца – 1 р.

Товар в корзине


Homoeopathy was born in 1796 and in spite of its spread and propagation all over the world with innumerable remarkable cures, we have to fight for its recognition and prove its scientificity. In 19th century and later part of 20th century, homoeopathy has proved its worth by checking, curing and preventing many of the epidemics of various fatal diseases. At one time cholera was one of such dreaded diseases. Hahnemann and later his disciples have been repeatedly successful to cure cholera and other diarrheal diseases. Diarrhea, cholera, dysentery and other such conditions of the bowels is one of the most common complain we encounter in our daily practice and sometimes most difficult to treat. Moreover the failure to treat such cases was not considered the failure of the physician but of the whole system. It was the difficulty of treating these that first awakened the desire to possess in one little work all that was known of our Materia Medica as applied to disturbed evacuations of the bowels. Hence emerged the work is as “THE HOMOEPATHIC THERAPEUTICS OF DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM, AND All Other Loose Evacuations of the Bowels” by Dr. James B. Bell.

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Homoeopathy was born in 1796 and in spite of its spread and propagation all over the world with innumerable remarkable cures, we have to fight for its recognition and prove its scientificity. In 19th century and later part of 20th century, homoeopathy has proved its worth by checking, curing and preventing many of the epidemics of various fatal diseases. At one time cholera was one of such dreaded diseases. Hahnemann and later his disciples have been repeatedly successful to cure cholera and other diarrheal diseases. Diarrhea, cholera, dysentery and other such conditions of the bowels is one of the most common complain we encounter in our daily practice and sometimes most difficult to treat. Moreover the failure to treat such cases was not considered the failure of the physician but of the whole system. It was the difficulty of treating these that first awakened the desire to possess in one little work all that was known of our Materia Medica as applied to disturbed evacuations of the bowels. Hence emerged the work is as “THE HOMOEPATHIC THERAPEUTICS OF DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM, AND All Other Loose Evacuations of the Bowels” by Dr. James B. Bell.

Товаров в продаже: 109 430

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