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Книги автора: Bade Patrick  (1)

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

2 000 р.

Товар в корзине

Автор: Bade Patrick (1)

Место издания: Parkstone Press

Тип переплёта: твёрдый

Год издания: 2001

Формат: Уменьшенный

ISBN: 978-1-85995-710-3

Состояние: Отличное. штамп

Всего томов: 1

На остатке: 1

2 000 р.

Товар в корзине


Whether madonna, muse or temptress, women have been a source of artistic inspiration throughout history. In the Reveries series, Parkstone pays tribute to the important contribution women have made to artists by uplifting their spirits and giving free reign to their fantasies. We invite you to share the erotic world of well-known painters such as Degas and Schiele.
This new genre of art book offers a glimpse into the private lives of some of the most influential artists of modern times. The most striking features of the Reveries series are their brief texts, sophisticated layouts, and high-quality reproductions. Each title pays homage to the artists oeuvre and the elegant layouts include some rarely-seen images.
Every page benefits from a unique design and offers a unique setting for some of the most sensual works of Degas, Schiele. Modigliani and Toulouse-Lautrec. These publications should be considered as works of art themselves, a delight for the enthusiast; instructive for the novice; a welcome and valuable addition to any library.

Оплата: Только предоплата

Способы оплаты:

  • Биткоины;
  • Оплата на карту СБЕРБАНКА;
  • Перевод на банковскую карту;
  • Яндекс.Деньги;

Доставка: По согласованию

Способы доставки:

Стоимость доставки:

  • По согласованию

Отправка заказов:

  • Отправка в течении 3 дней

Почтовый идентификатор:

  • высылается всегда

Дополнительные сканы и фото:

  • Не высылаются

Торг по цене:

  • не возможен

Хранение неоплаченных заказов:

  • 3 (дней)


Whether madonna, muse or temptress, women have been a source of artistic inspiration throughout history. In the Reveries series, Parkstone pays tribute to the important contribution women have made to artists by uplifting their spirits and giving free reign to their fantasies. We invite you to share the erotic world of well-known painters such as Degas and Schiele.
This new genre of art book offers a glimpse into the private lives of some of the most influential artists of modern times. The most striking features of the Reveries series are their brief texts, sophisticated layouts, and high-quality reproductions. Each title pays homage to the artists oeuvre and the elegant layouts include some rarely-seen images.
Every page benefits from a unique design and offers a unique setting for some of the most sensual works of Degas, Schiele. Modigliani and Toulouse-Lautrec. These publications should be considered as works of art themselves, a delight for the enthusiast; instructive for the novice; a welcome and valuable addition to any library.

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