Two plays by Edward Albee. Две пьесы Эдварда Олби. The American Dream: And, the Zoo Story. Американская мечта. Случай в зоопарке
На английском языке
520 р.
Минимальный заказ у этого продавца – 1 р.
Albee Edward
Издательство: New American Library
Место издания: New York
Тип переплёта: Бумажный
Год издания: 1971
Формат: Уменьшенный
Состояние: Очень хорошее
Количество страниц: 128
На остатке: 1
520 р.
Минимальный заказ у этого продавца – 1 р.
Edward Albee was born in Washington, D.C. on March 12, 1928. Little Edward was raised by foster parents in Westchester, New York. Due to his father and grandfather's involvement in the theater business, Edward interacted with the theater and famous vaudeville characters as a child. In high school, he shocked school officials by writing a three-act sex farce called "Aliquin." Even as a teenager, Edward was a prolific writer. In 1945, his poem "Eighteen" was published in the Texas literary magazine Kaleidoscope. In his senior year at Choate College, Edward's first published play, The Split, appeared in the school's literary magazine. In 1958, Albee wrote his first major play, a one-act called The Story at the Zoo. When no New York producer agreed to direct it, Albee sent the play to an old friend in New York. The play was first staged in Berlin.
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Способы оплаты:
- Unistream;
- Western Union;
- Банковский перевод;
- Золотая Корона;
- Наличными из рук в руки;
- Оплата на карту СБЕРБАНКА;
- Перевод на банковскую карту;
- Почтовый перевод;
- Яндекс.Деньги;
Доставка: По России и за границу
Способы доставки:
- почта России;
- самовывоз : Центр;
- курьер: Санкт- Петербург;
- транспортная компания: При доставке транспортной компанией курьерские услуги от 150 рублей.;
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- Высылаются для книг дороже 2500 р.
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Торг по цене:
- при заказе на сумму от 5000 руб.
Хранение неоплаченных заказов:
- 3 (дней)
Edward Albee was born in Washington, D.C. on March 12, 1928. Little Edward was raised by foster parents in Westchester, New York. Due to his father and grandfather's involvement in the theater business, Edward interacted with the theater and famous vaudeville characters as a child. In high school, he shocked school officials by writing a three-act sex farce called "Aliquin." Even as a teenager, Edward was a prolific writer. In 1945, his poem "Eighteen" was published in the Texas literary magazine Kaleidoscope. In his senior year at Choate College, Edward's first published play, The Split, appeared in the school's literary magazine. In 1958, Albee wrote his first major play, a one-act called The Story at the Zoo. When no New York producer agreed to direct it, Albee sent the play to an old friend in New York. The play was first staged in Berlin.
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